Good day, people. It’s full-on winter, and I’m hibernating for another couple months here on the western slope of the whole dang world, but seed catalogs are rolling in, and the future is looking like it’s going to happen. Spring will surely be incredible, but May takes her time, that sweet Type-B lady, so while we wait for garden season, please join me for dinner.

Dango Burrito hosts a private dinner Friday, February 10, at Redlands Community Center, by Chef Coleman Bowers of Dango Burrito and Chef Rayanne Jones of Bin 707, Taco Party, and Peach Street Distillery.
These are local folks crafting modern, delicious, professionally-prepared dishes in Grand Junction, our desert oasis jam-packed with farms, farms, farms — so much beautiful stuff grows here! Let’s eat it!
This is a score, friends: six delicious courses, wine pairings, and open cocktail bar for $80 each +gratuity. Get your $40 deposit in, because you don’t want to miss this freshness. Dango & Company Private Dinner. You can even take your lovey for Valentine’s Day, because Tuesday will be… Tuesday.