last night’s dishes

Once upon a time, I lived among a houseful of people with eating patterns as varied as the dna of four family trees can spew forth…

pecan pie

Mon chien, get yourself a friend to promise to take half of this pie so there’s less to sneak, sliver by sliver, from the pan…

fried rice

Whether made from leftovers or served as the leftover, fried rice could be everyone’s best friend. It’s really that magnanimous. Okay, not everyone’s.

seeded sourdough bread

Oh my goodness, baking bread is funner ‘n hell. I bake about two loaves of bread and a focaccia each…

2021 new year beans

Yes, it’s been a weirdass year full of American embarrassments, AND we must all eat, so please, friends, dig in…

red chimichurri

We have made our favorite red chimichurri from the Chicago Tribune twice…

sourdough lab

I’ve always said I’m not much of a baker, even though I’ve baked wedding and birthday cakes for a living…

junktown slaw

If you’re like me, you grew up believing there was only one cole slaw, the master recipe of which must…

killer grits

Made with chicken stock, these umami-loaded grits are the perfect comfort-food accompaniment to an evening of reading the president’s tweets.…

breakfast tofu

Tofu isn’t just for vegans anymore—but it is for breakfast. Heh heh.

junktown gremolata

I didn’t plan my new year very well, so by the time I got around to shopping for greens to…